
Making a Donation to St. Alban’s

Click here to make a one-time or recurring online donation to St. Alban’s.

Thank you for making a donation to St. Alban’s. If you need further assistance making sure your donation makes it to the right place, please call our Parish Administrator, Tammie Levy, at (860) 658-0406. Here are ways you may want to make a special gift to St. Alban’s:

Each Sunday, our gifted Flower Guild puts together arrangements that bring the beauty of God’s creation into our worship. You can make a donation for a specific Sunday in honor of a family member or friend, to mark a special day in the church calendar, or in celebration or thanksgiving.  When you make your donation online, choose “General Operating Fund”; and, further below, “In Honor” or “In Thanksgiving” for someone. If you’re mailing in a check, please be sure to include names of anyone you’d like honored.

Families of a departed parishioner frequently ask that any donations be made in the family member’s memory to St. Alban’s Church. Individuals wishing to make a memorial donation should note in the check memo line the name of the individual in whose memory the gift is made; or, note that in your online donation.

Planned giving is an important component of St. Alban’s financial strength, providing us with the foundation for meaningful worship, development, and service.  Parishioners and friends may remember St. Alban’s Church in their wills, trust agreements, life insurance, IRAs, or other related legal or financial instruments.  Please contact the church office for next steps.

Parishioners and friends offer critical financial support to building projects and special programs such as supporting a new program or helping move forward a major construction project.   For information on ways to support these programs, please contact the Rector.